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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Amali Update

Here's Amali's Holiday Update:

Needless to say the girls were not pleased with their Christmas wear,
and asked if a hot line call would be in order as "mom made us do this".
Amali was the smart one, each time that I had them setting at the tree ready
to take the picture, Amali would tilt her head forward to make the antlers
fall off. Oh well!!

Not much going on other than the girls and I are getting cabin fever, and
counting the days until Spring.

Take care and best wishes for a happy holiday season....

Debbie, Buck, Amali & Zari


At 12/25/2009 11:37 AM, Blogger Bevalee said...

I think you did great with the pictures. I had to use a picture from last year because I couldn't get them to stay still, even for cookies. I would not even attempt props.

At 1/03/2010 7:46 PM, Blogger Patti A. said...

Kodak moment for sure.


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