I adopted Tsavo on March 18, 2006. As soon as I saw him on RRUS website, I knew he was the dog for my family. So I contacted them and finally got to Evelyn and she told me I would have to come meet them in Tennessee. I had a little problem - I lived in NH about 1300 miles away. She also said he couldn't fly so I would have to drive him back to NH. So I talked my brother in NY to drive down to TN on St Patrick's Day weekend to get my little bundle of joy.
Well we met Evelyn and her pack and Tsavo who wouldn't come near us at 1st, but finally warmed up to us. We've had Tsavo now for 8 months and he has fit in well w/our two Basset Hounds, cat and bird.
But there is a problem w/ Tsavo. I am reluctant to talk about it because I don't want to negatively influence any new adoptees.But I feel I have to get this off my chest. Don't get me wrong , my family and I love this dog. But he is DUMB as can be, and a CHICKEN. First of all he got attacked by a Jack Russell Terrier (all 25 lbs. of him) at a fair ( Tsavo is 95 lbs.) The he fell in my brother's covered pool, while drinking out of it. BTW there was a water bowl 10' away.
We took him hiking and 2 little kids scared him on the trail, it should be the other way around! It was pretty funny to see such a big dog get so scared by 2 little kids.
Also he is very greedy. We had to buy a new garbage can so he didn't get his head stuck while feasting in it. Counter surfing! This dog has perfected it to an new art form. He stands up on the counter to get what he wants and when you yell at him he doesn't move, until you approach him. Then he runs away. I took him to obedience training and he was awesome. At training! It's when he got home is when he acted up.
So we've resigned ourselves to the fact we've got a "special needs" hound (I thought Bassets were bad). He sleeps in our bed and my son's when we throw him out of ours. When we play w/him and someone does something to him, he either bites me or our down comforter on our bed (which in the cleaners for repairs). He won't lay down in the car either, he stands for hours on end.
But honestly, we love this dog and he is a large part of our family. We take him everywhere w/us (he's been in 13 states, in 8 months!). I'm so glad we adopted him and so is my family. He has his quirks, but he is a great hound, and we will love him forever! Thank you for bringing Tsavo into our family.
What a wonderful tail! Thank you, Rich, for sharing Tsavo with us! If it's any consolation, Tori is a bit of chicken too! And she takes a while to learn new things. I just say she's making me prove why I want her to do whatever it is I'm asking her to do! :)
Tsavo is NOT a whimp! He is just so self-assured of his size that when a little Jack Russell starts tearing into his shoulder, he doesn't deign it worth his while to flick the little brat off :-)
When my husband and I met Lucy we also met Tsavo. He had just been brought to Evelyn and he was a hefty boy but also an adorable one. My husband was temped to bring every ridgie home that Evelyn had including Tsavo, lol. I am so happy he found a good home and look forward to hearing more.
Hmmmm...I wonder what Tsavo thinks of his Dad's silly quirks:) T sounds like a pretty typical RR to me.
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