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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

RRUS is in need of foster homes. The more foster homes we have, the more dogs we can save. This is because we do not long term board any of the dogs that come into the group. All of them are placed in foster homes where they can be with people and exposed to all sorts of situations. This allows us to better judge the best home for the dog. If you or someone you know might be interested in fostering please contact us or fill out an application. It does not matter what state you are in, we can use your help. We are a national organization and have members all across the US. If you aren't sure fostering is for you but want to talk to someone about it please contact us. We have several experienced fosterers who will gladly talk to you. We also have mentors who will walk you through your fostering experience. We won't leave you high and dry with a foster dog!

If fostering just isn't something you can do but you would still like to volunteer, please contact us! We take all sorts of volunteers and we will gladly find a way to use your skills! :)


At 3/05/2008 10:02 AM, Blogger David Hancock said...

What expenses are foster parents responsible for? I assume food, but what about vet bills, vaccinations, etc...?

At 3/05/2008 3:05 PM, Blogger sibtigre2 said...

RRUS covers all costs that a foster dog incurs. This includes food, gas used to transport a RRUS dog, vet bills, etc. Most of us donate the food and the gas but it all depends on how much it is.


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