WHEW! My mom and girl are finally HOME! (They were in Florida.) I can finally relax and take a NAP!
It was exhausting to look for them all over the house for 10 days! Can you believe that people opened and closed the outside doors without letting them in??? If only I could figure out how to turn the knob . . . Then maybe I could let them in the house myself!
While they were gone, my dad was pretty good to me - I even got bones and treats! HOWEVER, I still am not really sure I can trust him! I will sometimes come in the house for him now - it didn't hurt that it rained almost the whole time my mom was gone. I didn't really want to stay outside anyway . . .
My mom calls me the "50 First Dates" dog - whatever that means. She tells people that no matter how I feel at bedtime about that BIG guy who gives me treats, the next morning I've STILL forgotten if I know him . . .
It's not always easy being the new family member, but it is a WHOLE lot better than "the other life." Besides, I LOVE: my bed, FOOD, my yard, BONES, my house, TREATS, my girl, FOOD, my mom, BONES, my friend Clifford, and TREATS!
I gotta go now, my MOM wants to scratch my ears . . . if she plays her cards right, I'll let her give me a TREAT!
Love, Duke
P.S. THANKS for the great new life RRUS!
Great to hear that Duke and Dad did okay. Congratulations to both
With lots of patience, kindness and time, Duke will learn to trust his Dad. Glad things went okay while you were gone.
I love this- great update. mY favorite line- if she plays her cards right, I'll let her give me a treat. Spoken like a true Ridgeabck Duke.
He has come so far and I am so happy for you. WOnderful job!!
Also the 50 First Dates is a hilarious but oh-so-true description.
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