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Thursday, February 15, 2007


Hi all- just wanted to drop a quick a post to update rrus and all those interested on aerros progress in her new home as well as to say thank you to rrus. Specifically Amanda, you have been a great help to us and we appreciate all that have done so that we can have a new member to our family. Really, we can not tell you how much we appreciate all your efforts. thank you.

Aerro or should I say Mia, is doing great! Yep she has a new name, we are not absolutely positive if it the one, but she seems to like it and we do too, so unless a lightning bolt zaps one of us it would seem as though Mia is it. She is getting along quite well with our ridgie mix Ronin. They are having alot fun playing together, round and round the living room they go. Ronin has a few extra pounds on him, but I can see that with Mia around he will be a trim young man in no time. She is definately keeping him on his toes.

As is only natural, she was a little nervous at first, especially of the stairs in the house, but that only lasted until she found the bed in the master bedroom. She didn't even bother with the rest of tour, she jumped right up and pretty stayed there for the rest of night. So needless to say she has had no problem with making herself at home. She has adjusted quite quickly as well to taking the lead from her big brother when it is time to go outside . After a few accidents in the dining room on days 1 & 2, she is picking up the routine to be let outside surprisingly quick.

They are sharing their toys and eating side by side; after 5 days, it has been a real blessing. Mia couldn't be any more adorable and Ronin is being very patient while she explores and plays. We'll keep you posted.


At 2/16/2007 3:06 PM, Blogger Patti A. said...

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Mia and her new family. It sounds like she has fit right in and is home. Please keep us updated on your new pup.

At 2/16/2007 4:57 PM, Blogger evelynintenn said...

Pictures, please!!!

At 2/17/2007 8:58 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

OHHHH So glad to hear this. Aerro (Mia) is such a cutie. Ronin sounds like the perfect Big brother- showing her the ropes and being patient as she establishes herself in the home. And I agree- PIX please. Go ahead and show her off- she is one the cutest pups I have seen.



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