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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ridgeback DNA Study

Hey, everyone,

I don't know if you know this or not, but there is a study of the Ridgeback genome going on to determine which gene is respoonsible for the ridge, among other things. Dogs don't need to be AKC registered norr does their lineage need to be known, and mixes are okay so long as their ridgeback heritage can be proven (e.g., with a ridge.)

It sounds really interesting and I'm submitting Hannah's DNA (which will require rubbing a cotton swab inside her mouth. I see that ending in disaster.) It's not a blood draw or anything.

Anyway, here's the link in case anyone is interested.


At 2/23/2007 6:45 AM, Blogger LvrNoseRdgie said...

I had seen info about the study recently as well and sent an e-mail to get more info and hopefully contribute Lucy's DNA. I have always found genetics to be an interesting topic and would love to know how the results turn out.


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