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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Roadie at the Dog Park

So we went- and found out that you need some kind of permit to get it. It has a key pad and a "members only" sign on the gate. Then someone asked if we wanted to try it out- Roadie was pulling me toward the gate so they let us in. He started running around w/ all the other dogs. There were boxers, springer spaniels, Westies, GSDs, a Beagle, and then some number of Heinz 57s. Roadie took up w/ one of the GSDs. They both played rather rough. I got to talking about Roadie and RRUS. She seemed like a nice lady and mentioned that she would check out the website and maybe look into adoption. I hope she does- her Jazzy was a gem, well behaved and spoiled rotten. This woman was a true dog person and Roadie adored her as well- slapping his wet tongue across her face more than once.

It was too cold for photos- my hands stayed in my pockets- sorry :((

So this afternoon we filled out our application for a permit to the 2 acre dog park. It's a really cool place and I look forward to taking the dogs there.



At 2/24/2007 12:40 PM, Blogger Patti A. said...

Oh I am so jealous. You have a fence and a dog park. I want to be you:) It must be a nice park if you have to be a member. Kind of like a golf club:) How lucky is Roadie?


At 2/24/2007 12:53 PM, Blogger Amanda said...


Let me know when you are headed down and Morgan and Curtis can Bacari and Roadie's guests.


At 2/24/2007 3:05 PM, Blogger Patti A. said...

Should they bring their swim suits and golf clubs?

At 2/25/2007 10:04 AM, Blogger Susan said...

Hey Amanda,
Remember me? I'm Chloe/Ivey's mom. Just thought I'd try to enter this forum-- sorta like how you got let in the dog park. Testing out my password, see if I pass. Just one question: What kind of dogs are GSD's?

At 2/25/2007 1:29 PM, Blogger Patti A. said...

Hi Susan,
GSD are German Shephard Dogs.

At 2/25/2007 5:51 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Patti beat me to it. Of course I remember you and Ivey/Chloe. Glad to have you here. And please post some pics of your little princess.

Bring them both- the suits and the clubs!!



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