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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mr. Curtis

Curtis has been with us a year. Phew, I can't believe how time flew but it really seems like he's been here forever. He is such a sweet guy and has moved right into our lives and hearts. He and Morgan are inseperable and great foster parents to boot. After a rocky start with Annie the Cat, Curtis now loves her. He whines when he wants her to pay attention to him. There have been lots of changes in out lives in the past year including a move to another state and Curtis has handled it all in stride. As long as his people, his Morgan, his bed and his food are there, it's all good. For those who have met Curtis, this picture is proof that he actually does move. That's him on the right strutten his stuff. Morgan is in the middle and a friend on the left. He was in heaven being the only boy with these two pretty girls.


At 11/22/2007 6:10 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

I love it. They look as happy as can be. Not a care in the world- as it should be.

Curtis has been with you a year- WOW times does fly. I remember the post with him curled up w/ Morgan on the way home. They were fast friends. It was neat to see a bond form b/w the two of them almost immediately.

Seems these dogs just know when they are "home"


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