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Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Lovernose I've Looked For - But in Need of Pina Coladas

Hi! Meet Cooper. Cooperopolis. Super DUPER Cooper. Cooooooo Per. Coop. or COOPER NO! LOL. He is a big puppy who got off to a rough start - mostly because his adopter (me) knew nothing about crating a dog (other than I did not like it). Fortunately, both Cooper and my opinion have changed for the better and as you can see, we are now both enjoying a little quiet time (note the open door - YAY!). Thanks, Beth and Kathy! Sabu, our 9-year old rescue Ridgeback also thanks you for Crating Cooper. More on that later....

Cooper joined our family of three 2-leggeds, two 4-leggeds and one wingnut about a month ago. My kids (Izzi 6 and Zeke 9) adore him - except when he puts his mouth around their bellys, arms or legs and starts to gnaw - at which point they either grab for one of his twenty bones scattered around the house and replace their body part with that - or they grasp his mouth, tell him "Cooper No!" and when they get away, grab for a bone to replace a body part. Any ideas? He is just all puppy - chews on everything - including my great grandmother's dining room table and chairs (head level when standing - may as well keep chewing, eh? ...and head level when lying down whipping your big ole head and the bone around). Help!

I'm enjoying all the posts and pictures. It's fun to share similar challenges - and joys!


At 11/30/2006 4:36 PM, Blogger sibtigre2 said...

Have you tried spraying bitter apple on not-supposed-to-be-chewed-on items?

It doesn't always work but it's worth a try!

Everything you're doing sounds good...he will, hopefully, grow out of it...maybe...someday!

At 11/30/2006 4:56 PM, Blogger Patti A. said...

I used to spray the bitter apple on my kids feet and hands so they could play with the dog:) Replacing the wrong chew item with the right chew item is the right thing to do. Also, kongs filled with a bisquit take a long time to get out. Bones filled with cheese or peanut butter work great too.

At 12/02/2006 4:15 AM, Blogger Mich Melis said...

Thanks, everyone, for your responses! The Kong is working great - and I will try the cheddar-stuffed bone. I FORGOT about the bitter apple - and what a good idea to put it on the kids! I will be out and about today (hopefully getting a Christmas tree - we got nearly a foot of snow here in W.Michigan and is it BEAUTIFUL!) and will stop at the pet store. Turning your back - GREAT ideas! I'll keep you posted!


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