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Monday, May 28, 2007


I wanted to update everyone on Roadie and his road to Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) exam. We are about three weeks out from the exam. He is doing great in class. The problem now is that we are attempting to get through class without treats. Others in the class still use treats- Roadie being a Ridgeback and food driven will have more interest in them than me. They will give commands to their dogs and Roadie will obey, hoping they will give him a treat. What a nutt!!

Bacari is also going through class for confidence building. He is already certified as CGC.

Below is the pic that explains it all- I am holding both boys- Bacari is looking to me for the next command while Roadie looks for something more interesting than me. It's funny how one pic can sum up your dogs, but this one sure does.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Zuri's funny positions

She was actually sleeping like this!

Can your dog do this?

Why isn't the rest of me on the floor?

Zuri gets herself into the funniest positions. The photos aren't very good quality because they were taken indoors and FAST before she moved but they'll give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tori's Favorite Place

Does anyone else's ridgeback like to hang out under the desk? Tori sure does! Actually, all three of the dogs in my house fight for the right to be under there. Here's Tori in her favorite place (or rather, one of them!)

Oh yeah...and you can also posts videos to the blog now! You just need to upload it onto YouTube. Once it's uploaded, it will give you an "embedding code". Simply copy/paste that code into your blog post and "voila!" you have now posted a video. :)