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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

ShaKarri (AKA Ruby) Update

BuSamba and ShaKarri watching the deer.

ShaKarri enjoying the back yard.

March will mark 1 year since ShaKarri joined our family and I wanted to share a quick update. This past fall we completed a training course and I am proud to say that she has become very skilled with her commands and leash walking (even without treats :). She also has grown quite a bit and is now actually longer and taller than our male ridgie, BuSamba. The two pups continue to grow closer and play just as much as ever. Especially when there's snow on the ground to roll eachother in. Thanks so much to all of you who helped her and brought her into our lives.

Friday, February 15, 2008

My TRUE Valentine!

For Clifford, the ONLY thing on his mind was his bone!

But for Duke . . .

It's all about his GIRL! What a stud!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Amali is doing great. Zari and Amali are great together. Amali just celebrated her 1st year
birthday this past Saturday. Her, her sister - Zari, and I took a long walk to the park, where dad picked us up. We then headed to the dog park for a little romping, stomping fun. Finally, home to some good treats.Needless to say, they were both quite worn out at the end of the day.

As you may recall, Amali was quite the "puppy". Very loveable, but with a mind of her own. Even though I worked with Amali on a daily basis, I knew in my heart it
was going to take someone with more ability. I was very fortunate to find a trainer.
He came highly recommended from a couple who belong to the dog park; Amali and I met with Casey. Naturally, Amali was quite smitten w/Casey immediately - in fact, I don't think there is anybody that Amali does not like; she is just a loveable, huggable puppy.

I can now walk Amali and Zari together. When we come across other dogs or
small creatures, Amali and Zari know their manners. In our walk last Saturday,
we came across two large dogs (on separate occasions).
Naturally, Amali and Zari's curiosity peaked;I simply reminded them to "heal". They made me so proud, especially when the other dogs were barking, jumping, pulling on the leash and their owners had all they could do to keep them in check.

Thank you for bringing Amali into our lives. She is a gem! No matter where we take the girls, people always comment on how beautiful both of them are. They love people and other dogs.

Take care..
Amali sends her kisses and huggs...


Amali Update

Here's an update from AmaliAmali is doing great. Zari and Amali(pictured below) are great together.

Amali just celebrated her 1st year birthday this past Saturday. Her,
her sister - Zari, and I took a long walk to the park, where dad picked us
up. We then headed to the dog park for a little romping, stomping fun.
Finally,home to some good treats. Needless to say, they were both quite worn
out at the end of the day.

As you may recall, Amali was quite the "puppy". Very loveable, but
with a mind of her own. Unfortunately, the training class that I had hoped to
attend when Amali first joined our family was half way through; then
the Holidays came.

Even though I worked with Amali on a daily basis, I knew in my heart it was going
to take someone with more ability. I was very fortunate to find a trainer.
He came highly recommended from a couple who belong to the dog park; they
have a Great Dane whom he trained.

Naturally, Amali was quite smitten w/him immediately - in fact, I don't think
there is anybody that Amali does not like; she is just a loveable, huggable

I can now walk Amali and Zari together. When we come across other dogs
or small creatures, Amali and Zari know their manners. In our walk last
Saturday, we came across two large dogs (on separate occasions).
Naturally, Amali and Zari's curiosity peaked; I simply reminded them to "heal".
They made me so proud, especially when the other dogs were barking, jumping,
pulling on the leash and their owners had all they could do to keep
them in track.

Thank you for bringing Amali into our lives. She is a gem! No matter
where we take the girls, people always comment on how beautiful both of them
are. They love people and other dogs.

Take care..
Amali sends her kisses and hugs...


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Greetings from the Northwoods! We just celebrated our third month with Zahara. She was one the RR/Great Dane girls rescued in St. Louis, fostered in MI and WI and finally made it home to Stevens Point. Being first time dog owners, we have been having a roller coaster of a time. This is one happy family--how often do you get a dog that's fully trained (you wonderful teachers, you know who you are!), loves the car, eats snow, loves kids and acts as a 100lb blankie on these frigid -40F nights!?
Alas, I thought we had an angel dog...until today's lunchtime. You know the story: perfect dog who never "surfs"....all I did was turn to put the bread behind me and ZING! both pieces gone in a flash. She dropped one and by the time I picked it up, the other was gone and a smiling dog belched her thanks.
Sorry its such a long post, but as you may have gathered, we love our Zahara. Thank you to all who have helped bring joy into adopter's lives--especially ours.



Friday, February 08, 2008


We adopted Gus a dew days after Christmas! We have a house full of boys: 4, 2 1/2, 1, and now Gus, who's about 5 months! Yep, it's crazy and loud! I can't wait to fence in our backyard so Gus and the boys can run wild! Not that they don't in the me!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Need More Furniture

I need another sofa. They all take their seat and I sit on the floor. Today a friend was over and brought her two dogs. Everyone had a fun day. They were all tired and ready for a nap- and nap they did- on the couch!!!


Oh Where Oh Where Have Our Dogs Gone?

Analise and Duke want to hear updates from our new families - can we get some info? We'd like to hear from the newwest RRUS families! SOON please! OH - don't forget the pictures!!! THANKS!