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Friday, January 25, 2008

A Penny For Your Search

Everytime you use to search the net, they will donate a penny to RRUS. If you purchase from one of their advertizers up to 50% will be donated to RRUS also. All you have to do is make GoodSearch (powered through Yahoo) your homepage to search the net and it doen't cost you anything.

On the GoodSearch homepage there is an area that says, "Who do you goodsearch for?" Type in Ridgeback Rescue of the United States - RRUS and search away. RRUS will remain in that space. Every time you use it RRUS will receive money to help another Ridgeback in need. Pass the word to your friends and family and they can help raise money for RRUS too.

How cool is that? And they say nothing is free!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Being an Ambassador

Today Roadie and I attended a "Meet the Breed" event. It was sponsored by our local kennel club. They had a fun match for conformation, agility, and obedience. So during the show- I was allowed to show off the Ridgeback and offer education on the breed. Roadie did great- he loved all the attention.

All of our dogs are a great testimony of rescue. I was honored to be asked to represent the breed and was proud of Roadie for being such a good ambassador.


Friday, January 18, 2008

High prey drive - not!

TJ is fascinated with Harv, our seven year old rabbit. Likes to chase him when he gets a chance which is not often, but seems very gentle and realizes he is a family member. Second photo is to show TJ and his love, Taylor, in one crate. They seem so comfortable in one crate that we are beginning to wonder why we bought two. They sleep in bed so the crates are just for time outs or when we are gone. These RRs have added so much to our lives. It breaks my heart to read of some of the stories - wish we could adopt them all. We are moving to a home that has a big grass yard as the home here in Arizona is crushed rock for a yard and not that much fun.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

African LYIN' Hounds

Duke (left), Analise, and Clifford (right) show the true nature of African Lyin' Hounds! This is our house on a COLD Minnesota morning! (-6F)Although there are many different varieties: African Lyin' (in a sunbeam) Hounds, African Lyin' (on the carpet) Hounds, African Lyin' (in the yard) Hounds, African Lyin' (on the deck) Hounds . . . Who's the smarter breed? Duke and Clifford's Family

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

WHERE IS IT WRITTEN THAT..................

WHEN YOU ADOPT A RIDGEBACK, YOU GIVE UP HALF YOUR PILLOW? Honestly when I have to share my pillow with this big beautiful head I start wondering about the genetic pool of this breed. Did Foster Mom, Terri, tell me that TJ would go from being shy about getting on the bed (because one of her fur kids, Amber, wouldn't allow him on the bed) to taking over my pillow? No, of course not. The problem has an obvious solution - put another pillow on the bed - thank goodness, it is a king-size. I think King-size bed should be an adoption requirement.

Another interesting thing I've noticed about Ridgebacks is their intense loyalty. When I have to express myself in a negative manner to TJ, Taylor tries to get between TJ and me (not I am not hurting him, just telling him NO). Also she tries to tell me when TJ needs to go out. He was used to a doggie door and has had an accident or two. So when Taylor signals me - she is soooooooooo obvious - I am finding it is TJ who needs to go and she just watches and comes back in.

Crates: At first I thought crates were a sign of lack of training or something and that the pups would hate them. After about two months, they now often go into their crates for their self-imposed 'time out'. So wonderful! We are visiting friends and staying with them in a week or so and thank goodness for crates.

TJ is a true scent hound and Taylor a bit less so. So now we have a big problem. Our backyard backs to a wash and lately we've had coyotes, javelinas (ugly beasts) and bobcats. Taylor was terrified to go out and bolted for the door one night and TJ has his nose high in the air and puts his front paws up on our wall. So we are moving (not the only reason) to where we can get a doggie door and quit having to be so careful. Both dogs were snake aversion trained (yes, rattlers) and neither will go in the side yard where the training was done.

This is our New Year's Day update on our wonderful rescue, TJ. With best wishes to RRUS rescuers and fellow adoptees for a great new year and wonderful placements of these beautiful, worthy dogs.
