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Thursday, December 24, 2009

R.I.P Sweet Curtis

R.I. P. Sweet Boy. Curtis came into our lives 3 years ago through Ridgeback Rescue of the US when we picked him up from Evelyn, his foster Mom in TN. We never felt that we rescued him, rather, he brought us joy and love. He was the steady calm in our house. A gentle soul who was always happy. From the first instant it was if he had always been with us and as if he and Morgan were long lost friends. He spent the ride home from TN with his head resting on Morgan and that bond never failed in the 4 years they were together. Curtis never met a stranger. He loved everyone young and old and he graced our lives with happiness. His tail was always wagging. He would wag his tail to lay down, happy to have a soft place to lay. When he was really happy, he would purr. As a foster brother, he was the secure presence. He taught the young ones respect with a firm but kind manner. He showed the scared mill dogs tenderness. He coaxed the timid ones to play with his silliness. He protected them all if there was a threat. Curtis was a once in a lifetime dog who didn't ask for much but gave so much to all of us. He was taken too soon but we will always be grateful for the time he was allowed grace our lives. Run free sweet boy. Until we meet again

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Amali Update

Here's Amali's Holiday Update:

Needless to say the girls were not pleased with their Christmas wear,
and asked if a hot line call would be in order as "mom made us do this".
Amali was the smart one, each time that I had them setting at the tree ready
to take the picture, Amali would tilt her head forward to make the antlers
fall off. Oh well!!

Not much going on other than the girls and I are getting cabin fever, and
counting the days until Spring.

Take care and best wishes for a happy holiday season....

Debbie, Buck, Amali & Zari

Monday, December 21, 2009

White Christmas

We just wanted to send some pictures of our fun in the snow, (2ft) from the big storm this Sunday.Chloe was having a blast but Cheyenne (in the coat) At the very mature old age of 5 has had enough playing in that white stuff. I didnt have the heart to tell her that Winter just got started. MERRY CHRISTMAS .

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Ridgeback Trust Inc Annual Auction- Continues

Ridgeback Trust Incorporated has continued their annual auction after Thanksgiving. Check out the items at the links below:

http://search. _W0QQsassZridgeb acktrust
http://tinyurl. com/542rhy

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Nala and Niblett

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I wanted to post some new pictures of the girls. They are doing great and love each other so much. Niblett is still quite skittish but has improved greatly and I think we can thank Nala for that.