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Monday, February 09, 2009

Beach Bums

Last weekend the weather was fantastic and warm so Roadie, Logan, and Harley headed to the beach. There we met Hudson and Murphy (2 other RRs) for a playdate.

All the dogs had a blast splashing around in the water and chasing each other along the shoreline.

We all hope to get back to the beach as soon as our busy schedule allows!

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Does RRUS have a Facebook Presence? I noticed that uses at least one of the MANY ridgeback group on Facebook to market their new pets. RRUS could have a group on Facebook just for adopters and one geared toward finding more eligible adopters, too.

Just an idea.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Study on Mill Dogs

Best Friends and the Univ of PA have teamed up to do a study on mill dogs. If you have adopted a dog from RRUS that was saved from a mill (if you aren't sure, please check w. your dog's foster family), please take the time to complete this survey.
The survey number is 9093.

I am participating in honor of my beloved Bacari.